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The Hide (2019) for cello and speaker installation 

Transitions (2019) for saxophone octet

Ronda (2018) for 3 percussionists and live electronics (electronics designed in collaboration with Roberto Garreton)

Wuppy (2017) for cello, electric guitar and keyboard 

El otro, el mismo (2016) for 2 guitars 

A Bao A Qu (2012) for ensemble Modelo62 

Eufotica (2010) for six players 

Solo de Piano (2007) for ensemble Klang 

La linea desde el centro (2007) for 12 guitars and conductor 

La Raiz Lanzada al Aire (2006) for Nieuw Ensemble 

Pierre-Henri Wicomb´s Song (2006) for SZ Ensemble

What about Woof? (2006) for 5 percussionists

Gop (2005) for harp and recorder

Il senvio II (2004) for two violins

Guitar B Mode (2004) for twelve players

Miro (2003) for percussion quartet

Pneumonia (2002) for guitar quartet

Tods (2000) for string quartet

Olk Tas Eviga (2000) for orchestra

Zexpot (1999) for six players

Il senvio (1999) for two violins

Sesoides (1998) for piano, flute, soprano and cello


The White Queen (2006) for soprano and clarinet

Prosodia (2005) for violin and soprano

Translation (2005) composed over a text by Ana Maria Moraga S. and performed by Woof


La Caja de Cuatro (2008) for viola


Air Drops (2007) for guitar


Ar (2006) for harp


Cegeida (2003) for cello


Nísima (2001) for flute)


Undercurrents (2024) choreography by Dimo Milev / produced by Landerer & Company DE

Silk (2024) choreography by Iván Pérez  / produced by Heidelberg Dance Theatre DE

Khôra (2023) choreography by Astrid Boons  / produced by  Korzo NL


Summer / 4x4 (2022) choreography by Iván Pérez  / co-produced by Heidelberg, Bielefeld, Trier and Saarbrücken Dance Theatres DE

Thin Streak (2022) choreography by Astrid Boons  / produced by ArtEZ University of the Arts NL

Do you believe me yet? (2022) choreography by Astrid Boons  / co-produced by Nederlands Dans Theater and Korzo NL


Now you can swallow her (2021) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Conny Janssen Danst NL


Arise (2021) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by De Châtel sur Place NL

Bird Dog (2021) a dance performance/road movie by Marina Mascarell  / co-produced by Mercat de les Flors and The Spanish Agency of International Cooperation ES


Fusions and some confusions (2020) choreography by Dimo Milev  / produced by Nederlands Dans Theater NL

Crash (2020) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Dance Theatre Heidelberg DE

Arpeggios, Flowers and some Manoeuvres (2019) choreography by Dimo Milev / co-produced by Nederlands Dans Theater and Korzo NL

Fields (2019) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Korzo NL

Decay (2018) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Dans I Nord SE

Decoy (2018) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by AHK Academy of Theater and Dance Amsterdam NL

Vestige (2017) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Korzo NL

VOICE: offering (2017) choreography by Loïc Perela / produced by Dansateliers NL

Las Hojas Lentas (2016) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Espacio Checoeslovaquia and Centro Montecarmelo CL

Hashtag (2016) choreography by Loïc Perela / produced by Dansateliers NL

Hashtag In Situ (2016) choreography by Loïc Perela / produced by Dansateliers NL

Stream (2016) choreography by Loïc Perela / produced by AHK Academy of Theater and Dance Amsterdam NL

Rhizoma (2016) choreography by Astrid Boons / co-produced by Ferrara-OFF IT and Korzo NL

Ecdysis (2016) choreography by Karine Guizzo / produced by Festival Het Circus NL

Before the distances they pin evaporate (2015) choreography by Astrid Boons / produced by Gothenburg Opera Dance Company SE

Meermannia (2015) choreography by Karine Guizzo / produced by Korzo Theater NL

Inter View (2014) choreography by Heidi Vierthaler / produced by Royal Conservatory, The Hague NL

Metamorphoses (2014) choreography by Karine Guizzo / produced by Theater de Regentes NL

From Far to Deep (2014) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / produced by Gothenburg Opera Dance Company SE

Amongst Millions (2013) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / independent production

Shine (2013) choreography by Heidi Vierthaler / produced by Palucca University of Dance Dresden DE

Mind the gap (2012) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / produced by Scapino Ballet NL

Unsound (2012) choreography by Juanjo Arques and Heidi Vierthaler / produced by Compañia Nacional de Danza ES


7 (2012) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / produced by Korzo NL


Of animals and other humans (2011) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / produced by Korzo NL

Pinocchio (2011) choreography by Karine Guizzo / produced by Karine Guizzo Projects and Dance NL


Lament for those who envied Betty Jones (2010) choreography by Marina Mascarell / produced by Nederlands Dans Theater NL


Vishartslag (2009) choreography by Cora Bos-Kroese / multiple producers NL


Drosera Capensis (2009)choreography by Pedro Goucha / installation by Yoko Seyama / produced by Korzo NL


Butterfly Hips (2008) choreography by Pedro Goucha Gomes / produced by Korzo NL


NS Den Haag-Groningen (2016) 


Head VI (2015) 

Isolation VI (2015) 

Clapping Debris (2012) 

Reverse II (2004) 

Guitars (2003) 

Reverse I (2003)  

Blanco / Negro (2001) 


Chopstick (2009) for solo guitar


SZ in five minutes (2007) for violin, bassoon, flute and guitar 


Harm P (2005) for 6 blues harmonicas


Livi (2004) for 4 quenas


Guimpdu I (2003) for 2 guitars


Guimpdu II (2003) for 2 guitars 


Nutshuis (2008) composed and performed by SZ

Triptych (2007) composed and performed by SZ (Teodora Stepancic, Grzegorz Marciniak and M. Clerc)

GSM81 (2006) composed and performed by Woof

Mirrored (2006) composed and performed by Woof

Subjective I (2006) composed and performed by Woof and Lev Kazachenko

Loops (2006) composed and performed by Woof

Paradiso´s Pendulums (2006) for 23 players, composed with Grzegorz Marciniak


Table Music (2005) composed and performed with Pierre-Henri Wicomb


Chairs (2005) composed and performed by Woof 


Branches (2005) composed and performed by Woof


Boxes (2005) composed and performed by Woof


S215 (2005) short movie composed by Woof (Pierre-Henri Wicomb, Grzegorz Marciniak and M. Clerc)

© 2024 by Miguelángel Clerc Parada. All rights reserved.

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